Tlpn: (061) 42064596, Hp. +62813 6160 5875, +62811 6131 981

Kategori Produk

SABB A6GBS  AC/Battery Powered indicator
1.   Indicator can be replaced without recalibration
2.   Four-point calibration
3.   Low battery indication and automatic power-off
4.   Store and recall up to 10 unit prices
5.   Lock display when overload is greater 130%FS
6.   Accuracy can be increased ten times
7.   Real-time clock with programmable date and lock to stop work
8.   20mm green LED display with 28 function keys
9.   Drive up to 16 load cells
10. Store and recall up to 200 vehicle numbers and tares
11. Store and recall up to 1000 weighing records and statistical reports
12. Classify statistics by vehicle and goods number
13. Classify statistics by daily and monthly reports
14. Selectable printing of fill-in form
15. Parallel interface to external 24-pin dot matrix printer
16. RS232 serial interface
17. Optional RS485 serial inter face
18. Selectable kg and lb
19. Build in Stainless Steel Enclosure

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